it's getting hotter...
Region with between 5,400-9,000 heating degree days (65°F basis)
Region that receives less than 20 inches (50 cm) of annual precipitation
Region where the average outdoor temperature remains >45°F throughout the year
Region that receives >20 inches (50 cm) of annual precipitation
Region that has a coldest month with mean temperature between 27-65°F, a warmest month with <72°F and min. 4 months with >50°F
Region with both annual precipitation, and where the average outdoor temperature drops below 45°F during winter
Region with >12,600 heating degree days (65° basis)
Region with between 9,000-12,600 heating degree days (65°F basis)
A prefabricated structure, also known as a trailer) that can be moved. In the US, in the 1950s, these homes began to be marketed primarily as an inexpensive form of housing
This is a rental apartment building where the entire building (with 2-4 apartments) is under the same ownership
This is a rental apartment building where the entire building (with more than 5 apartments) is under the same ownership
An element of the residence's construction (such as a wall, ceiling, or floor) is shared with another property
A stand-alone residence, excluding manufactured homes, for which the sale includes the land on which the residence is located
Climate Zone
Sub-Climate Zone
Residential Type
Structural Material
Construction Year
Site Energy
Master of Science, MS CSE ('22), Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Science
LinkedInMArch I, Master in Design Studies, Technology ('23), Harvard Graduate School of Design
LinkedInMaster in Design Studies, Energy and Environments ('23), Harvard Graduate School of Design